Moodle Educator Certification programme
The Moodle Educator Certification Programme (MEC) is an online assessment and certification for teachers, instructors and trainers who are looking to demonstrate their capacity for online learning and digital skills using Moodle LMS or Moodle Workplace. Recently named as the Moodle Educator Partner of the Year, we take pride in delivering the MEC programme and helping educators and teachers around the world advance their Moodle skills further and build high-quality, online courses.
MEC is based on the widely used and accepted European Framework for the Digital Competence for Educators (DigCompEdu). This six-course certification programme, covers in total 22 digital competences, all of which you approach as a Moodle using educator.
Who is the certification aimed at?
The MEC is aimed at experienced educators who have been using Moodle LMS or Moodle Workplace for at least a year or two. If you are new to online education and training, we recommend that you start by learning the basics of Moodle to familiarise yourself with the most common tools, resources, activities and interfaces of the platform. If you need help with this, Enovation offers an introductory Moodle course for course creators and administrators.
We recommend you allow up to 6/ 8 hours to complete each of the 6 courses. As all courses are asynchronous and delivered online, the programme is fully flexible to fit your schedule. A MEC facilitator/assessor will be assigned to you and will be your main point of contact at Enovation to support and guide you throughout the programme.