Wróć do materiału Data: 07/04/2021

Four Steps to Freedom with Totara Learn 13

Totara Learn 13 is founded on four fundamental freedoms that we believe will characterise all future learning technology procurement decisions.

Freedom to innovate
With rapid change comes the pressure to innovate in order to compete effectively. Most organisations cannot buy existing software, such as an LMS, and expect it to work out of the box without some modifications or additional integration with other systems. Proprietary software significantly reduces both the scope of customisation and, crucially, the speed at which changes can be implemented. In many cases, especially with SaaS-based services, there is only one size offered and very limited scope to meet a unique customer requirement at a reasonable cost and speed of implementation.

Freedom to save
As the core platform evolves, the whole community benefits from added functionality at little or no additional cost. This results in corporate budgets being focused on the key points of difference that will turn an average-performing solution into a powerful agent of transformative change for an organisation. Business risks are heavily reduced, too. Indeed, like-for-like solutions based on Totara technology are likely to be significantly lower in the total cost of ownership terms than any comparable proprietary software platform.

And just as important, when needs change, then investment can be readily redirected without wastefully throwing away a whole platform and starting again.

Indeed, in many cases, having multiple LMS instances is a more effective solution for varied target audiences. Each implementation can be differentiated to meet specific needs, while still enabling global oversight. Also, where open-ended audiences need to be served, then Totara technology and its cost-efficient subscription model will support your business case as it scales.

Everyone wins. Except maybe traditional, proprietary LMS providers. They lose.

Freedom of choice
Because needs do change, and will only do so more frequently in the future, then an organisation can turn to different expertise and services offered by Totara solution providers while retaining full control over their platform. Indeed, an organisation has various options open to them:

Switch from one Totara solutions partner to another to tap into alternative skills or service offers:

Collaborate with more than one Totara solutions partner to access complementary services
Bring the Totara platform in-house to be supported by internal teams
You choose.

Freedom to learn
The freedoms to innovate, save and choose are all designed to ensure the whole Totara Community is fully focused on meeting the needs of the learner. That is what we are all here for, isn’t it? To design and deliver engaging, highly effective learning experiences that will lead to the performance and productivity gains an organisation needs to stay competitive and succeed in their chosen market. The pressures have never been greater.

The workplace is going to change beyond recognition for many sectors, 2020 and the beginning of 2021 has shown us just how much. Learning technology is an essential catalyst to help the human workforce adapt effectively. To learn continuously. To acquire new skills. It empowers us to deliver learning whenever — and wherever. Joining the Totara Community means becoming a positive agent of change. By Partnering with Enovation you have the opportunity to collaborate and share with like-minded learning professionals all of whom are dedicated to harnessing learning technology in ways that support our clients through what will be a long period of continuous and uncertain change.

The freedom to learn is a human right that we want everyone in the workplace to enjoy. Find out why it’s important to upgrade to Totara Learn 13 and contact us today on [email protected] with any questions you have.

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